Charities and Mission

Here at HURC we are committed to sharing God's love with our wider community and world.  We do this through service to our local community, links with schools and through charitable giving.

The church members elect three charities which they support for three years, giving each charity an equal percentage of the church's freewill offering for that year. For 2024, the charities are:


1. Rotherham Hospice (until 31 Dec 2024)

Rotherham Hospice exists to support adults with a terminal illness, providing palliative care that incorporates psychological, physical, social and spiritual support.

Our Minister and two of our elders are volunteer chaplains at the Hospice through South Yorkshire Chaplaincy & Listening Service.

2. Rotherham Foodbank  (until 31 Dec 2025)


The Foodbank exists to provide three days' nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are in crisis. The Foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust, a nationwide network of Foodbanks that are working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. We provide financial support, but also have an ongoing food collection for the Foodbank in the church foyer.

3. Shiloh (until 31 Dec 2026)

Shiloh is a charity that offers support to adults who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.  We offer housing advice, education & training, creative activities and support for health and addictions. Guests engaging in support can also receive practical help including hot food, clothing, bedding and free internet and computer access. Our caring team of staff and volunteers work with partner organisations to provide meaningful opportunities that help bring about positive change in the lives of our guests.

We also support:

Operation Christmas Child - every year we collect items for shoe boxes to be sent to children around the world who might not otherwise receive a Christmas present. 

Project Linus - knitting new home-made blankets and creating beautiful quilts for children who are sick, disabled, disadvantaged or distressed.